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Esta en español? :(




why does the menu go so hard

love this game hope new update coming soon with more scene and gameplay :)

I hope nothing is really locked behind patreon

Hello again, i don't want to be "that guy" but will 1.3 be posted soon? Loving your work so far!

yeah sure.... last update 22.12.2022. Im sure he will post next updat

buenos días, abre una versión en español, me encantan el juego.

(1 edit)

Will 1.3 with the new character be posted here?


Sometime soon! Im waiting to release a demo/alpha for my new game for the patreon, so once I've done that I'll get onto uploading 1.3 here! :)

I encountered a bug I think, I went to check the menu to see the recipes and tried to click the X, and it wasn't responding so I couldn't close it

I feel like it would be good if we can use the keyboard controls, I do like a point and click don't get me wrong, but it would be beneficial to use when the mouse can't do something


the game is beautiful! although i really fucking hate coffee as a drink, making coffee is my passion. also, i kinda almost unlocked all of the gallery except one final animation. i`m still playing, getting 5 stars, but this white rectangle keeps on itching my eye. is this supposed to be like that or?..


also why nobody ordering icey drinks

You have to go to the pause menu and click ice drinks


wait... there is pause button?

I need more coffee. MOREEEEE. This game has my heart. Maybe add an upgrade system? more machines? I want to see this game grow huge!

That means so much, thank you! The game is going to recieve quite a few more updates, such as new characters, new drinks, new machines, upgrades and so much more. Im working on the art for a new character right now, so early access to that will be on the patreon soon after/before new years :)


Encountered a bug where I played through all of Tiff, I made a mistake on an order so I restarted the game. It put me back to me fingering her but then I went the entire game without getting her sex scene, even though I was at 5 stars for a long time.

hmm yeah, seems likes there must be something wrong with saving. I'll look into it.

Deleted 11 days ago

Thanks for playing! :)) 

Im not gonna change that heuehueheueheuh >:]

Hey Hey, I think I finished the game but I'm missing 4 photos in the gallery, is this supposed to happen? Did I do something wrong? I played 2 extra times and the girls didn't come in. I did fail a few times so maybe that's it? Anyways, I'll attach an image (censored cuz idk if I'll get in trouble)


I finished too but at my run only one is missing, the last in the 3rd row, you have it

is it possible to view the scenes with two other people again? 

my bad, Its a bug I'm currently fixing. Hope you enjoyed the game other than that bug :)

Okay and yes I enjoyed the game a lot. Thank you for the great work.

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

The bug should be fixed now, thanks for letting me know. :)))) and also thanks for playing, what do you think of the game?